Ayurveda is the oldest traditional healing system practiced in India and the most comprehensive holistic
healing system in the world. This ancient knowledge was given to mankind more than 5000 years ago by sages and seers for the
well being of humans. It known as the mother of all healing system. It is original source of many modern natural healing therapies.
The sanskrit term Ayurveda is composed of two words- Ayus +
Veda. Ayus means life and Veda means knowledge. So the literal meaning of Ayurveda is
science of life.
The origins of Ayurveda are Vedas that is the oldest available classics of the world contain
practical and the scientific information on various subjects beneficial to humanity such as health, philosophy, engineering,
astrology etc. Scientific research and development strengthen Ayurvedas effectiveness and easy application to
the Western world. Philosophy of Ayurveda: "To make people aware about their life -style, diet, exercise
and mental activities to achieve perfect balance in mind, body & soul" Ayu(life) is a combination of mind
+ body + senses + soul ( Maharishi Charak- The Great Ayurvedic Scholar) What can Ayurveda
Do for you? Do you suffer from cold and cough every year? Feel as you need your batteries recharged? Forget Something?
Cant Sleep? These and lot of other common ailments is result of imbalance in life. Contrary to popular belief, Ayurveda
is not a mere alternate therapy it is a way of life. By implementing which in your daily life you not only mere prevented
from disease but also could lead a life free from tension.